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Fremantle 5 Best Photo Locations

Peter Zuvela who has worked for me many years shares his favourite spots to take customers around his beloved Fremantle in Perth, W.A.

Image tile: Bathers Beach

Info: Image taken of Fremantle’s inner city beach during a sunset. Taken with my trusty Canon EOS 5. I had my ISO at 100. The image is a long exposure of 25 sec duration (with a tripod). Aperture is f 22. All of these setting I set manually including the focus.

Lens that I used was the Canon EF 24-70mm (L-Series) and it was set at 70mm.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was trying to achieve the abstract feeling of the scene by using a long exposure. The exposure of 25 seconds captured the movement of the water. The car with its headlights moving through my shot casting light on the water was an added bonus.

Cappuccino Strip

(PZ_Cappiccino Strip_3486)

Info: Image taken of Fremantle’s famous Cappuccino Strip on South Tce. Taken with my trusty Canon EOS 5. I had my ISO at 100. The image is a long exposure of 15 sec duration (with a tripod). Aperture is f 14 and all of these setting I set manually including the focus.

Lens that I used was the Canon EF 24-70mm (L-Series) and it was set at 24mm.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Vitality and movement of the vehicle light beams was captured through a long camera exposure. The multiple vehicles, including a bus, driving through the Cappuccino Strip created the light show that the camera captured. I focused the lens on the foreground allowing for the image to be sharper within the area through which they were driving.

Image tile: Esplanade Park

Info: Image taken of Fremantle’s Ferris Wheel in the Esplanade Park. Taken with my trusty Canon EOS 5. I had my ISO at 100. The image is a long exposure of 8 sec duration (with a tripod). Aperture is f 14 and all of these setting I have set manually including the focus.

Lens that I used was the Canon EF 24-70mm (L-Series) and it was set at 25mm.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To achieve movement, colour and an interesting angle of the subject matter, I located myself almost directly under the ferris wheel. Once again the long exposure captured the vitality and dynamic nature of the scene.

Image tile: Fremantle Port

Info: Image taken of Fremantle’s old cranes during a sunset at the Maritime Museum in the Fremantle Ports. Taken with my trusty Canon EOS 5. I had my ISO at 400. The exposure 1/250 sec. Aperture is f 10. The camera was set at AV (aperture priority). Focus setting was on auto.

Lens that I used was the Canon EF 70-200mm (L-Series) and it was set at 135mm.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It was quite exciting to record the approaching storm expressed in the sunset. The stark silhouette of the cranes against the changing colours in the sky created a dynamic shot. It is important to use a faster shutter speed to record a sharper image of the clouds. This as well eliminates camera shake, as the camera was hand held.

Image tile: West End

Info: Image of Fremantle’s heritage buildings in High Street in the West End. Taken with my trusty Canon EOS 5. I had my ISO at 400. The exposure 1/250 sec. Aperture is f 14 and the camera was set at AV (aperture priority). Focus setting was on auto.

Lens that I used was the Canon EF 24-70mm (L-Series) and it was set at 24mm.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I took multiple shots to achieve this urban hero shot. I was searching for a strong composition that contrasted the organic cloud patterns in the angry sky against the linear patterns in the buildings. It is important to know that in the menu of the EOS 5 there is a setting called picture style.

I created my own setting within picture style called USER DEFAULT 1

Within these settings I added sharpness, contrast, monochrome and a red black and white filter effect, which contributed to the moodiness of the image.

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